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This survey will bring together varied views, such as emotional behavior, parents perspectives, collective patterns and a unifying theme in the entire community of special children, parents, teacher, rehabilitation practitioners, civil society and government. Our attempt is to be make our efforts more impactful and focus strongly on things that matter to special people. We look forward to your honest opinions, hopes, expectations, difficult, dangerous but honest answers so that we can make our world a better place for special children.

Participate in my Survey of Parents of Children witth Special Needs.

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Dear Educators of Special Children and Rehabilitation Professionals:

When we go for a check up to an Eye Doctor, He puts our face against a machine or flips various lenses in front of each eye asking, "Does this make it clearer or worse?" This metaphor can be easily applied to our purpose of conducting this survey. Planning starts with asking right question. To plan better and to know better what special people want from your experience, we have prepared this survey.

Please be assured that your answers to this survey will be kept confidential with us. Your personal details and answers will not be discolsed to anyone. Please answer the questions on things as they are and NOT as you wish them to be. It will take about 25 Minutes to complete this survey. I thank you for your time and participation in this survey.

Respectfully, Nitika

Question: Your special child is emotionally attached to which of the following relationship?

Nobody in Particular

Question: How satsified ar eyou with the Service/Practices/Work Methods of Rehabilitation Professionals in your child's school?
  <40% 40-55% 56-70% 71-85% No Comments
Question: According to you, Key Challenges people with special needs are:
   Finding Right Rehabilitation Professional,  Support at home,  Admission in Normal Schools,  Insensitive approach by Government  Finding Jobs  Knowledge management,  Finding Good Schools  Finding Care Givers  Finding Hostel
#Which of the following describe your needs for your special child? (Tick As Many)
   Professional Support  Money for upbringing  Weekend Hostel  Tuition Teacher  Medicines  Diseased  Paralysis
#What does he likes the most?
   Sleeping  Watching TV  Spending time with me No Comments
Ques: Do you know of any IT or other technology tools that can help special child?
   Yes  No
Ques: Please rate your satisfaction with interconnectivity of various Rehabilitation Institutes like RCI….?
   <=3 |  4-5 |  6-7 |  8-9 |  10

Please rate your satisfaction level with available Govt’s infrastructure for special children?


 Very Satisfied  Satisfied Undecided Dissatisfied  Strongly Dissatisfied

Ques: What does he hates the most?
   Write options here
10 Ques: Did you went through part time eduation/training to raise your child better
   Yes  No  Undecided Maybe
11 Ques: How would you rate learning material/ references available in form of books or internet sites for proper guidance for raising children with special needs?
   <=3 |  4-5 |  6-7 |  8-9 |  10
  Personal Details:
  Disabled child gender:
Disabled child age:
Alive: yes/no
Number of family members
Occupation of Family
Families annual income: <2.5L, 2.5-5L, 5L-7.5L, 7.5L-10L, >10Lakh




12 Ques: Tick appropriate Reasons for Communication Problems with Rheab Professional
 Miscommunication,  No Communication,  Misunderstanding,  Delayed Communication,  Incorrect Communication Methods,  Undecided

13 Ques: Are you interested in preparing books/ websites/ community network for better representation of mentally challenged children in civil society?
 Strongly Agree  Agree Undecided Strongly Disagree  Disagree

14 Ques: Status of Sense of humour
 Smiles  Occasionally laughs Sad Silent Emotionless

15 Ques: How much money do u spend in a month on your special child?
 <3000Rs  3-5000Rs5-7000Rs 7-10,000Rs >10,000

16 Ques: What do u like most about him
 innocent love  my biological bond Godliness Innocense  Purity

17 Ques: How has he changed over the years
 Little Psychological Change  No Change  only Biological Change  Some

18 Ques: Does your child have any other disability other than mental illnesss?
 Autism Physical disability Inability to read

19 Ques: On the Scale of 10, Please assess:
 Collective Level of Excellence,  Individual’s General Level of Excellence,  Team Player Attitude,  Career Guidance and Support,  Professional Development,  Human Resource Development


20 Ques: Any repeated problem faced by you…

21 Ques: Are we able to leverage maximum out of existing facilities in this sector?
 Strongly Agree  Agree Undecided Strongly Disagree  Disagree

23 Ques: As parents do u have a Do you have a control on kind of projects you want to select? In other words are you satisfied with Plan

8 Ques:

9ning teams formation for particular project?
 Strongly Agree  Agree  Undecided Strongly Disagree  Disagree

24 If he could hear and understand you completely, what would you like to say?
convey my love 

25 Where would you rate yourself (Out of 100) in managing your child?
 <40,  40-60, 60-80 80-100 incompetent Best my child can get

26 If you have more than one child, is he/she also suffering from any disability?
 Yes  No

27 What is your perspective on reason for illness of your child?
 Poor Care of Wife while Pregnancy  Because of my husband  Karmas of Past Birth
 God’s wish  My good deeds of this birth  Genetic Accident Blessing

28 Ques: What is your greatest strength in survival of difficult days?
 Religion  Family  Love for my Child  My significant other half

29 Do you think movies like Black, Taare Zameen par has helped better understanding of our case?
Yes  No

30 Ques: What does he needs (give options)
 <40% |  40-55% |  56-70% |  71-85% |  No Comments

31 Rate the your top 3 important reasons while selecting school for your child?
 Time,  Cost,  Scope, Risk  Quality  Stakeholder,  Progress

32 Ques: If you could say something to you, what would you like to hear from him?
 I love you Nothing

33 Any specific suggestion/changes you would like to see in our country?


34 Ques: What should society do about such children?
 Make a special place for them  Government should fund/support

35 Ques: Is our society sensitive towards such children?
 Strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree  undecided  no comments

36 Ques: What makes him laugh?
 My presence  TV  touch smell playing 

37 Ques: What makes him cry?
 My absence,  Loud Noise Undecided

38 Ques: His favourite music/sound?
 TV Jingles Clapping

39 Ques What is his favourite food
 Sweet, Sour, Buiscuits, Chocolate, OR ______parents can also give option

40 Ques: What was Is your most touching movement with him
 (give detailed answer)

41 Ques: At what age did u realized his illness
 <12 Months 1-2 years 2-3 Years  4+years

42 Ques: How did u realised his illness
 Comparison with other children  From an experienced parent from professionals  from school teachers  From doctor

43 Ques: any accidents / unwanted event happened with him?
 0-3  3-5  5+

44 Ques: What accidents happened most
 he got lost fits  cries a lot

45 Ques: Select keywords that are applicable to him
 Silent  Speechless Divine My child Bundle of Love Burden

46 Ques: Would you like to have him as your child again
 Strongest Yes  Yes No Undecided

47 Ques: How has he affected your life?
 Full of Challenges  Full of Love  Interesting

48 Ques: How would you describe your relationship with him
 divine,  difficult,  Challenging  nameless

49 Ques: Tick the top 3 challenges that you have faced while raising your special child
 Communication

50 Ques: How would you rate professionals in this field caring/supporting enough?
 Strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree  undecided  no comments

52 Ques: Select from following adjectives that describe such kids

53 Ques: Your funniest or most memorable event with him
 (detailed answer type)

End of Survey


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