Taking care of a child with developmental disabilities is not just physically demanding but also emotionally, psychologically, socially and financially. It important to protect your child from any hazardous stimuli, inside your home or outside. This section includes professional guidance from early intervetion, to Special Education, to Parent Training Inoramtion and Parent-to-Parent Support. Advise for parents on popular solutions, remedies, therapies, latest news and research. Parenting a child with disability and in particular invisible developmental disability is challenging but you are not alone. Often this invisible disabilities does not beceome known until a child reaches school age, even then at time many are hard to recognize. There are millions of parents in India and world wide, connected through internet are raising their children. Here you will find wealth of resources, information will help you negotiate the unexpected life, education, therpaies, training and importantly your child and yourself. You must talk to other parents of children with disabilities and create/join a support group. As the Chinese say, To Know the road ahead ask those coming back
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